Ecliptic refers to the movement of the sun together with the stars traces through a pattern often that is circular in shape. The Zodiac is a thin band that lies on the other side of the Ecliptic. Zodiac signs consist of the following; the Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and the Pisces. Astrologists usually use these zodiac signs as a base for their prediction. The zodiac signs divide the worlds’ total population depending on their birth dates and their signs. People say that every sign have a unique and distinct way of influencing our lives.
Both the sun and the birth signs have become popular throughout the years, and therefore, you can always find them in the newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Zodiac has been further categorized into earth, water, fire and air and at the same time each of the zodiac signs have been assigned specific characteristics as well as compatibility among the people who belong to those signs and is relative to the relation between the signs themselves. Therefore, this means that for example, the earth sign will suit with the fire sign.
People also believe that people who belong to the same astrology are often not compatible due to the fact that they have traits that are similar to one another, and therefore, they can not create spice and chemistry in the relationship. The fire signs are composed of the Leo, Aries as well as the Sagittarius, who have commanding personalities that are cheerful and confident laced and at the same time, have a degree of selfishness and arrogance.
The earth sign consists of the Gemini, Libra and the Aquarius who are believed to be practical and objective at the same time. The Cancer, Scorpio, and the Pisces belong to the water sign and are often sentimental and deep thinkers at the same time and are also not predictable. On the other hand, there is also the Virgos, Taurus and the Capricorn who are very inquisitive individuals and are also very cautious in nature. Most of the time, the earth signs suit best with the water signs. People who are Sagittarius are emotional and therefore in the event when you make them trust you, they will be more than happy to share their past hard moments with you. People who belong to the Aquarius zodiac sign have a totally different mantra when it comes to life and relationships and therefore they are the best people to hang around with because they have a lot to offer. Check out some more facts about astrology, visit